November 2014

Junko is off to Malaysia


I’ll be flying to Malaysia tomorrow to take part in Ikebana International Kuala Lumpur Chapter’s 50th anniversary celebrations and I am so looking forward to it. Not least to meet the many people in Malaysia who have sent me lots of kind messages to welcome me.

It’ll be all the more special as two of my past students, Joo and Berlinda, whom I’ve not seen for several years are travelling to meet me and join the celebrations. As if that wasn’t enough, one of my fellow Ikebana professors will be travelling from Japan to lend me support too!

If you’d like to keep track of I.I Kuala Lumpur’s celebrations, take a look at their Facebook page or website

I’ve been busy preparing for my trip and, sorry, but just haven’t had time to get the pictures from our Hana No Wa workshops with professor Iguchi organised yet…promise I will as soon as I get back.