May 2015

Next weekend intensive August 2015


I am delighted that my first weekend intensive course was really enjoyable and successful. So successful that I’ve decided to run further intensive courses, with the next to be 8th and 9th August 2015.

My first intensive course was fuly booked several weeks in advance and so five new students spent the weekend beginning their Ikebana journeys.  Starting from 1pm on Saturday, my new students learned a little of the history of Ikebana and its philosophy, then created three splendid arrangements each.  On Sunday morning it was back to work, with a further three, increasingly difficult arrangements: I’ll be posting pictures in the next week or so.

If you’d like to spend a lovely weekend, in London, studying the beautiful art of Ikebana, please contact me for more details



Weekend Ikebana intensive course is fully booked


My first weekend intensive Ikebana course over the weekend of 16th and 17th May is already fully booked. It seems to be popular as a great way for people living a long distance from London to attend weekly classes to conveniently and economically. I am looking forward to the weekend and hope this will prove to be a really good way for more people to study.

All being well, I hope to make weekend intensive courses a regular feature of my course calendar.  To register your interest in joining  future weekend courses, please contact me…two people already have!